

With more than 30 years of experience helping the elderly, those with special needs and their families, Marcia is skilled in handling the often complex and confusing legal aspects of health, living and family issues that we all may encounter as we grow older or become disabled. Her legal expertise in long term care planning, Medicaid planning, asset preservation, special needs trusts, powers of attorney, wills, and estate and trust planning combined with her patience and caring distinguish her as a strong advocate and advisor. Of Counsel to the Newport based firm of Sayer Regan & Thayer, LLP, she is able to offer the support and breadth of a full service law firm to her own practice areas.

She provides comprehensive estate planning and related advice to younger and middle aged persons in addition to the elderly. When needed, Marcia will  make home visit, or meet at hospitals, nursing homes or other senior living locations. Her representation and advice are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client and their situation.

As a Rhode Island native, Marcia appreciates the family, community and economic influences which are part of life here in Rhode Island. A graduate of Garden City (Cranston, RI) elementary school, Bay View Academy, Georgetown University and Syracuse University College of Law, she is licensed to practice law in both Rhode Island and New York.  She is a member of the Rhode Island and Washington County Bar Associations as well as the American Bar Association. Reflecting her broad experience in the legal issues of the elderly and disabled and their special needs, she is a member of the National  Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Rhode Island Bar Elder Law Subcommittee.

Beyond her legal practice, Marcia has a long history of community service as an advisor to community-based health, elder care, mental health and hospice programs and as a volunteer for community groups. She is a member of the Narragansett Lions, Women’s Club of South County, NAMI-RI (National Association for Mental Illness), and South County Hospital Professional Advisory Committee.